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Cityscape: Volume 4 Number 2


Racially and Ethnically Diverse Urban Neighborhoods

Volume 4, Number 2


Racially and Ethnically Diverse Urban Neighborhoods

From the Secretary

From the Editor

Advisory Board

Chapter 1: Neighborhood Racial and Ethnic Diversity in U.S. Cities
by Philip Nyden, John Lukehart, Michael T. Maly, and William Peterman

Chapter 2: Overview of the 14 Neighborhoods Studied
by Philip Nyden, John Lukehart, Michael T. Maly, and William Peterman

Chapter 3: West Mount Airy, Philadelphia
by Barbara Ferman, Theresa Singleton, and Don DeMarco

Chapter 4: Vollintine-Evergreen, Memphis
by Michael Kirby

Chapter 5: Park Hill, Denver
by Katherine Woods

Chapter 6: Sherman Park, Milwaukee
by Edward Valent and Gregory Squires

Chapter 7: Rogers Park, Edgewater, Uptown, and Chicago Lawn, Chicago
by Michael T. Maly and Michael Leachman

Chapter 8: Jackson Heights, New York
by Philip Kasinitz, Mohamad Bazzi, and Randal Doane

Chapter 9: Fort Greene, New York
by Jan Rosenberg

Chapter 10: Ethnic Diversity in Southeast Seattle
by Andrew Gordon, Hubert Locke, and Cy Ulberg

Chapter 11: San Antonio and Fruitvale
by Mona Younis

Chapter 12: Houston Heights
by Karl Eschback, Jacqueline Maria Hagan, Nestor P. Rodriguez, and Anna Zakos

Chapter 13: Conclusion
by Philip Nyden, John Lukehart, Michael T. Maly, and William Peterma



Cityscape is published three times a year by the Office of Policy Development and Research (PD&R) of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Subscriptions are available at no charge and single copies at a nominal fee. The journal is also available on line at http://www.

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